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Immunology and Biotechnology Resources

Here are some miscellaneous websites in the area of immunology and biotechnology that may interest you as a researcher interested in antibodies.

  1. American Association of Immunologists
  2. biology.about.com - a comprehensive biology resource with links to biotechnology, biochemistry, and educational resources
  3. Bio-Alive - an interesting "YouTube" approach to biology. There is a section on immunology which contains some antibody-related videos.
  4. Biospace - navigate Biospace, an on-line source for information on the biotechnology industry
  5. The Biotech Rumor Mill - the National Enquirer of the biotech industry. Stop by and gossip.
  6. The Bio-Web - resources for molecular biologists: sequence analysis, journals, research institutions, and more...
  7. British Society for Immunology
  8. International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology (ISDCI) - for researchers interested in natural and acquired immune systems in animals throughout the phylogenetic spectrum, including invertebrates and vertebrates.
  9. LifeSciencesWorld - a comprehensive directory of international links covering the field of biotechnology and other life sciences, as well as a biotechnology career center and a biotech news center
  10. Society of Mucosal Immunology
  11. THE SCIENTIST - this magazine for the life sciences is now online. You can search back issues for articles on antibodies or just about anything else.
  12. The small molecule regents search tool